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6 Ways to Improve Your Air Quality Inside as it Gets Colder Outside

During the winter, there’s nothing quite like cozying up under a mountain of blankets, waiting for your delivery guy as you watch an entire series of that new show on Netflix. But while the weather outside is frightful, our air inside usually gets worse too. As our homes continue to get more energy-efficient, there’s a lot less warm air escaping and cold air getting in during the winter — which keeps us nice and toasty. But that also means that the amount of recirculated air also increases, carrying greater concentrations of pollutants, allergens, dust, and mold spores. (Ok, yuck!)

As you can probably guess, this poor indoor air quality can be cause a variety of health issues, from fatigue or flu-like symptoms, itchy eyes, nose and/or throat, and aggravation of existing upper respiratory problems, as well as an increased likelihood of developing other chronic illnesses. But the good news is there are some simple methods to improve the air quality in your home during the winter so you can binge-watch away without worry.

In order to keep you and your loved ones healthy and happy during the colder months and into spring, here are six ways to help keep your in-home air as pure as possible:


  1. Keep things clean. Sounds like a no-brainer. Consistent cleaning is one of the first and best ways to maintain in-home air quality. But there is a catch — harsh chemicals from cleaning products can linger in the air, especially in the winter. These higher concentrations can cause harmful health implications in the long run, so consider some natural substitutions, and always be sure that you use any cleaning products in a well-ventilated space.
    Frequently cleaning your carpets with a HEPA filter vacuum can dramatically improve the air quality in your home, but also pay special attention to floors and other potential dusty areas, like under or behind furniture. Make it a routine to do a quick sweep once a week as it really does wonders for keeping dust and dirt out of your air.
  2. Maintain the humidity levels in your home. The increased dryness in the colder months can cause discomfort and illness that makes staying safe from the bitter cold actually pretty risky. A humidifier will help everyone breathe more comfortably by helping the air maintain the right amount of humidity automatically. Ideally, your home should remain between 30 – 50% humidity year-round, so set your home up to stay within that range to avoid any issues that come with extra moisture in the air.
  3. Add a few plants. Houseplants help liven up any living space, but did you know they clean and purify the air too? It’s true — adding more plants around the house is an easy way to clear out pollutants year-round. And they look great, too! Win, win.
  4. Regularly change your air filters. HVAC filters are the first line of defense against air pollutants, but they need to be replaced regularly in order to function properly. If left dirty, they can become a major contributor to poor indoor air quality. Make sure they are well-secured and avoid any gaps between the frame and rack, so that no air bypasses without being filtered. If you haven’t had your HVAC serviced in over 6 months, contact us to help you make sure it’s doing its job.
  5. Be sure to ventilate a few times a week. We know the thought of opening a window or turning on your ceiling fans when it’s 30 degrees out sounds crazy but doing so for just a few minutes every now and then will help get some fresh air circulating in your home, getting rid of any stuffiness and improving quality.
  6. Consider installing an air purifier. Taking more serious measures to improve your air quality doesn’t have to be a big investment. Our Air Scrubber Plus technology is powerful, yet affordable so that you can breathe easier in more ways than one. It can reduce the amount of dust, allergens, and other air particles in your home by 90%. It’s so efficient, it’s not only NASA-approved, but it will also help your HVAC system run more efficiently.



To learn more about improving your in-home air quality and tips to help your whole family breathe easier this winter, contact Madsen Inc